NR Wilcox - Drilling Report

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NR Wilcox Prospect LP

Colorado County, Texas

The Nolan Ryan prospect is a low risk, deeper pool test of the Mid Wilcox below Nada Field. The shallower section above the Nolan Ryan Mid Wilcox objectives in the immediate vicinity of Nada Field has produced 67.5 Bcf and 250 MBO from the Wilcox, 19 Bcf and 430 MBO from the Yegua, 17.5 Bcf from the Frio, and 12.8 Bcf from the Miocene. The Mid Wilcox has yet to be the target for deeper drilling in Nada Field, despite the prolific Mid Wilcox production nearby on trend in fields like Graceland (~65 Bcf EUR, ~3.5 miles to the west), Kacee (26.7 Bcf and 200,000 BO, ~6 miles to the northwest), Easter (10,400’ Reservoir, ~6 miles to the northwest), Wied (~3.5 miles to the north), Cypress Eagle (15 miles to the east north east), Wintermann / Bonus (11 miles to the northeast) and Dynamic (13 miles to the east).


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